Stakeholders: Director of Impact (Goldie)
Team: Marketing (Channing, Kim), Design (Eileen)
Role: UX, Visual Designer
Tools: Sketch

THE problem:

The current page doesn’t communicate Kiva’s process effectively or fit our design identity.

“Our process is confusing” - Goldie Chow (Director of Impact)

“We don’t currently point people to our How Kiva Works page when they ask but if it looked better it would be a great resource to use” -Taylor Whitfield (Community Manager)


• Importance of educating our lenders and being transparent about our process
Marketing: an educated audience is an engaged audience
Community support: less dumb questions in the queue, and an engaging resource to give to lenders who still ask
Design: want to be consistent and represent the brand


• Doesn’t communicate How Kiva Works effectively
• Hides the concept of Field Partners
Hides the timing of loan dispersal, leads to confusion around the concept
Graphics do not communicate or engage
• Inconsistent design
• Dark and heavy feel

Clicking on the blue links will pop up a modal that fills up the screen with darkness with the tool tip and term definition.


• Effectively and transparently communicate How Kiva Works
• Educate our audience on the centrality of Field Partners to our process and elevate the awareness of them
• Transparently communicate loan dispersal concept, clarify that timing may vary
• Engage audience with clear graphics that facilitate understanding
• Redesign to be modern and fit Kiva’s brand
• Create a visually-pleasing experience for the audience





I first started to sketch out layout ideas that is mobile friendly and easy to follow.




Weekly meetings were set up with the Director of Impact and design department to gather any feedback and changes needed to re-iterate on regarding the design.




This was a great last project before my internship ends and the design was well received by the design team as well as the stakeholder. I had a lot of fun with this while keeping Kiva brand as visual design is something I want to specialize more further along my career. Due to the current workload and preparation of a launch, the engineering team won’t be prioritizing this page redesign, so hopefully I will get to see it live one day!