Wing Personal brand logo


Stakeholder: Wing
: Adobe Illustrator
Logo Usage: Personal, stickers & candles

Wing is the name of my client who asked for a logo design of her name. She initially had many ideas ranging from fire, the universe, candles, and of course wings to be included in her logo as it represents her spirituality.




To begin brainstorming, I sketched out different variations of how the wings to look like and exploring with including a candle as well.

Wing logo sketches.jpg


Next, I scanned in my sketches to be digitized - starting solely with black and white.

With the first round of sketches shown to the client, she was able to narrow down on which one she likes more and I was able to create a 2nd round of sketches based on her feedback and comments in digital format.


With the 2 concepts she had in narrowed down: Universe and Fire - I was able to add in color and explore different fonts that complements the logo.

After this round of feedback, she felt like the wings were too abstract and wanted to add more details to the wings. She then was able to decide on sticking with one theme and wanted a glowing fire wing to make it feel more alive. As a final touch to also include the “stars” she wanted, I was able to finalize on a design she is happy with.
